New chapter for our clients in Westminster, SW1P
Our clients, who specialise in political lobbying , move into their new home in Westminster, SW1P today.
Their new office is only a short 6 minute walk from their previous office and is located close to the River Thames and Houses of Parliament.
The provider has built them their own bespoke, modern and high quality office workspace to match their exact requirements. The building can accommodate teams of 9-99 people wanting ultra-flexible office space with good aesthetics and intelligent space layouts. The style is simple, neutral and clean-edged and offices are provided fully furnished.
The space comprises of 7 private air-conditioned offices arranged on a single floor. Each office unit benefits from maximum privacy and with full access to the communal facilities which include; kitchen with complimentary tea and coffee, modern lounge area, meeting spaces, bike storage and showers. Prices start at £350 per desk, per month and are naturally all-inclusive. This price includes rent, rates and service charges along with ultra fast internet speed and cleaning.
We wish our client everything of the best in their new office and look forward to working with them again in the future when they outgrow the space.